
Are you a student who doesn't rely on the financial support of friends or family to pay for school? While that can be a daunting situation, this course will provide you with resources and encouragement to obtain your degree and set yourself up for financial success.

    1. Introduction to Financially Independent Students

    1. Supporting Yourself Financially

    2. Having Dependents

    3. Having a Full-Time Job

    4. Dealing with Financial Hardship

    1. Instructions: Your Debt Repayment Calculator

    2. Activity: You Debt Repayment Calculator

    1. Instructions: Build Your Own Budget

    2. Activity: Build Your Own Budget

    1. Instructions: Rate Your Stress Level

    2. Activity: Rate Your Stress Level

    1. Takeaways for Financially Independent Students

About this course

  • Free
  • 16 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content